The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, provides several important definitions that are crucial for understanding the provisions and scope of the act.
- Appropriate Government:
- The term “appropriate government” refers to the authority responsible for administering and implementing the provisions of the act. In the case of disputes relating to industries and establishments, it can be either the central government or the state government, depending on the jurisdiction.
- Employer:
- An “employer” is defined as any person, whether an individual, association, or body of individuals, who employs or has employed workmen in an industrial establishment or undertaking. It includes the legal representative of a deceased employer.
- Industry:
- The term “industry” encompasses any systematic activity, organized by employers and employees, for the production, supply, or distribution of goods or services that contribute to the material prosperity and economic advancement of society.
- Industrial Dispute:
- An “industrial dispute” refers to any conflict or difference between employers and workmen, or between workmen and workmen, that is connected with employment, non-employment, terms of employment, or conditions of work. It includes disputes related to wages, working hours, layoffs, retrenchment, and more.
- Workmen:
- “Workmen” are individuals employed in any industry, including skilled, unskilled, manual, supervisory, technical, or clerical workers. The definition also encompasses apprentices and individuals employed in a supervisory capacity but earning a salary within a specified threshold.
- Public Utility Service:
- “Public utility service” refers to services related to the production, generation, or distribution of services like electricity, water, gas, or any other essential services that are vital to the community.
- Industrial Establishment or Undertaking:
- An “industrial establishment or undertaking” includes any place where an industry is carried on, including factories, workshops, mines, plantations, and other places where work is performed. It also covers multiple departments or branches that are interconnected and have a common management.