The basic concept of taxes revolves around the collection of funds by the government from individuals and businesses to finance public expenditure and provide...
Direct Taxes
Direct taxes are the taxes that you pay directly to the government based on your income, wealth, or property. These taxes are calculated...
Capital Receipt
Capital receipt refers to money received by a company or organization that affects its capital (such as funds for investment or changes in...
Capital Expenditure
Capital expenditure refers to the money a company spends on long-term investments that will benefit the business over an extended period. It...
In the context of taxation, a person refers to an individual, Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), company, firm, association of persons (AOP), body of individuals...
The distribution of tax resources between the Union government and the state governments in India is governed by the provisions outlined in Article 268...
Residential status plays a significant role in determining the tax liability of an individual or entity in a particular country. In India, the residential...
The Constitution of India provides for the establishment of a Finance Commission through Article 280. The Finance Commission is a constitutional body responsible for...