Assignment of Copyright
Copyright can be assigned or transferred to another person or entity through a written agreement. The owner of a copyright may assign the copyright to another person, either wholly or partially. The assignee would then have the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and display the work, and to create derivative works based on the original work. However, the original owner of the copyright retains the right to claim authorship of the work and to object to any distortion, modification or mutilation of the work that may be prejudicial to his/her reputation.
Infringement of Copyright
Infringement of copyright occurs when someone uses or exploits a copyrighted work without permission or without a valid license from the copyright owner. Examples of copyright infringement include making unauthorized copies of copyrighted works, distributing or selling copies of copyrighted works, displaying copyrighted works publicly without permission, and creating derivative works based on copyrighted works without permission.
In India, the Copyright Act, 1957 provides for both civil and criminal remedies for copyright infringement. The remedies include injunctions, damages, account of profits, and seizure and destruction of infringing copies of the work. Additionally, the Act also provides for criminal penalties, such as imprisonment and fines, for willful infringement of copyright.