Concept of Hindu Marriage
Hindu Marriage is a sacrament under Hindu law and is considered a sacred union between two individuals. The concept of marriage is deeply ingrained in the Hindu culture and religion and is considered a way to attain Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. It is believed that through marriage, two individuals become one, and their union helps them fulfill their social, cultural, and spiritual obligations.
Evolution of Hindu Marriage
The concept of marriage in Hinduism has evolved over time. In ancient times, marriages were arranged by the parents or guardians of the bride and groom. This was done to ensure that the marriage was socially acceptable and would bring honor to both families. However, over time, this practice has changed, and now couples have more say in their choice of a partner.
Nature of Hindu Marriage
Hindu marriage is considered a sacrament and is a lifelong commitment between two individuals. It is believed that marriage is a union not only between two individuals but also between two families. The nature of Hindu marriage is considered both religious and social. The religious aspect is seen in the various rituals and ceremonies performed during the wedding, while the social aspect is reflected in the importance given to family and community. The husband is seen as the protector and provider of the family, while the wife is seen as the caretaker of the home and family.
Hindu marriage is also considered a contract between the husband and wife, where they promise to live together and share their lives. The concept of mutual love and respect is also an essential part of Hindu marriage. Additionally, the concept of ‘dharma’ or duty towards each other, family, and society is also considered crucial in Hindu marriage.