HomeTagsInterpretation of Statutes Notes

Interpretation of Statutes Notes

Meaning of Interpretation and Basic Principle of Interpretation

Meaning of Interpretation Interpretation is the process of analyzing and understanding the meaning of a legal text, such as a statute, regulation, or contract. Interpretation...

Meaning and Classification of Statutes

Meaning of Statutes A statute is a formal written law created by a legislative body such as a parliament, congress, or other governing body. Statutes,...

Rule of Literal Construction

The rule of literal construction is a basic principle of statutory interpretation that requires a court to interpret the words of a statute according...

Golden Rule of Interpretation

The golden rule is a principle of legal interpretation that applies to the interpretation of statutes. It is not a separate law in itself,...

Rule of Ejusdem Generis

The rule of ejusdem generis is a principle of legal interpretation used to interpret statutes or contracts. The rule applies when a list of...

Rule of Noscitur-a-sociis

The rule of Noscitur-a-sociis is a principle of legal interpretation used to interpret statutes or contracts. The rule applies when a word or phrase...

Rule of Pari Materia

The rule of pari materia is a principle of legal interpretation that is used to interpret statutes. The rule applies when there are two...

Rule of Stare Decisis

The rule of stare decisis, which means "to stand by things decided," is a fundamental principle of legal interpretation that requires courts to follow...

Contemporanea Exposito eat optima et fortissima in life

"Contemporanea Expositio est optima et fortissima in lege" is a Latin maxim that means "Contemporary exposition is the best and strongest in law." This...

Internal Aids to Interpretation

Internal aids to interpretation are tools or materials that can be found within the text of a legal document, such as a statute, regulation,...

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